CUB to be listed in Binance

2 min readJan 8, 2021

Here is the next good news for the cubebit community members. Cubebit never failed to surprise its members often with exciting updates. As the next step in Cubebit’s progression, it has prepared itself for the listing of CUB in Binance, one of the leading cryptocurrency exchanges in the market.

By listing CUB in the leading exchanges in the market, the credibility of the coin increases, which in turn will attract the investors. This will lead to a huge demand for CUB in the market as a result of which, the purchasing power of CUB remains intact. Whenever you buy or hold a crypto asset, the purchasing power of it is an important parameter that determines the potential of assets. Having listed in Cubex, Binance, and other leading exchanges, the potential of CUB increases.

Enjoy more liquidity

Liquidity, in layman’s terms, is the ease with which an asset can be converted into cash. Cryptocurrencies in general are more liquid than traditional assets like real estate. By listing the CUB in almost all the leading cryptocurrency exchanges in the market, it becomes easier to buy, sell, or trade. The CUB holders can enjoy high liquidity. This increased liquidity helps the traders to trade with more security.

A note on Binance

Binance is a decentralized cryptocurrency exchange (DEX) i.e. there are no custodians for your assets or there are no intermediaries. Everything is peer-to-peer. Binance is one of the fastest and largest cryptocurrency exchanges in the market. Its trade volume is so huge that there are millions and millions of assets traded at a time.

With Binance, you can buy and sell CUB in a minute. You can trade CUB from anywhere in the world seamlessly. Binance can be accessed on mobile, desktop, or through API. With the Binance mobile crypto trading app, you can enjoy accessing your assets in the palm of your hand. With Binance’s tailor-made application for windows or macOS devices, you can relentlessly trade or control your CUB.




A centralized cryptocurrency exchange whose alpha version is live now.